Dear readers,

It’s been a while! I’m so sorry that I haven’t posted since before the New Year – hope you had a great one! Once again, I’ve been stupidly busy with school work and extra-curricular activities! Just in the last few weeks I’ve had auditions for my musical theatre group’s performance of Legally Blonde – my first choice of character is Elle Woods, then Brooke Wyndham. I’ll be finding out my part this week and I’ll let you know the outcome! If you want to know more about the musical theatre stuff I do and why I want to do that as a career, please let me know in the comments!

In case you didn’t know, I’m a Year 11 at the moment, studying for my GCSEs. If you want to know more about what my Year 10 was like, my first full post entitled ‘Last Year’ has more info about that!

So, here are my top tips for surviving and thriving in Year 10!

1. Don’t overwork yourself in the first half-term!

I didn’t do this, thank goodness, because I was still adjusting to KS4 and balancing the extra-curricular clubs I did and homework. However, I saw some of my friends start revising straight away, making copious notes and signing up to tons of revision sites before October half-term even came around. By Christmas, they really needed that break! This is important not to do because you need to adjust to your new classes and teachers before you start revising, so please don’t burn yourself out!

2. Don’t get hung up over friendship groups.

My friendship group completely changed at the beginning of Year 10 – suddenly I didn’t have one, as most of my close friends were on the opposite side of the year. However, although this was upsetting at first, it actually has been one of the best things of my secondary school time. I have kept the friends on the other side of the year but have made 1 new best friend since and become a lot closer with 2 friends from primary school, and I am very grateful that I didn’t switch sides of the year (I almost did)!

3. Remember you are still a year away from your GCSEs!

My first biology test in Year 10, I failed. I thought biology was my best science and I was crushed! Quickly I realised that this was crazy – I was a month into Year 10, not a month away from my GCSEs! Please don’t stress about first year exam results – they do not matter!!!

Thank you for reading! I promise to post more often in the future, and please let me know what you thought of this post and what you want to see in the future on this blog!

Lots of love,

d-emilia x

7 thoughts on “MY TOP TIPS FOR YEAR 10!

    1. I’m glad you found them helpful! I got the part of Serena which is actually a bigger part than Brooke so I’m happy! I’m going to do a post on acting etc this week so I’ll reveal more then! X


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